I cook a lot with basil. It's an incredible herb and I've found that there are qualities it has that move me even more to use it at least three times a week. Basil in Chinese is called the "nine-layered temple." It is a warm, acrid, and somewhat pungent herb and enters the stomach, liver, and kidney channels. It invigorates blood, dispels water and opens the channels so much it has gynecological properties. Now that's not a plus for me but here's the good part. It can alleviate stomach cramps, pain, disperse stagnation and helps children with poor appetite ~ not to mention it's just a great herb to cook with.
We like to take some egg whites and after putting just a bit of olive oil in the pan, place these under the broiler. When the whites begin to cook, we stop and put some fresh basil, mushrooms and even a bit of garlic and parsley. Now that is a "GREAT FRITTATA." It's not hard on your system, puts all these nice herbs in your body, and gives you a ton of energy for the morning. k.h. from BlueCrane
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